Friday, July 3, 2009

Just another Froday

Hi everyone it's been a while... got busy sorry!Anyways today is just another Friday.... I love Friday it means I have my hubby at home for the weekend... He's also home at night during the week but it's nice to know that he'll be there all day for two days. I'm sure many agree. It's nice to have the support and someone to talk to and yes bicker with :)

We usually try to keep ourselves low key during the weekend, mostly family stuff and we do grocery. I've learned through a few hectic trip with my two little ones that it's just much easier to bring the hubby along. I just tell him to avert his eyes when the total comes up. LOL he does now after 10 years he's learned that food is a necessity, and that 150 dollars in grocery goes farther than in eating out.

Fridays we usually spend just at home in the evening with the boys. We'll watch a movie or we'll go outside to play and we usually make an easy supper together. (some nights I call him on his way home to make sure he understands that we are eating out ot it's take out tonight.... he says he knows that ring now LOL)This week my hubby got Alex his first set of real golf clubs... he loved his play ones and broke them because he played so much with them. So after almost two weeks of rain yes 2 whole weeks, well almost or at east it felt like that. We can actually take the bys outside. So I can't wait to see his cute face when his daddy gives them to him...

Anyways until tomorrow yes I will be more on top of this I promise(she says in a whisper and sigh) LOL I'll try anyways ... life gets crazy!!

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