Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grocery shopping

whoever thinks grocery shopping is boring should probably go with kids in tow. I went this morning for the first time in a while by myself with the two boys. They are usually pretty good. They just get bored and want to buy everything so it usually end sup being a bigger grocery order when the little ones and hubby are with me.

That's why I usually try going by myself. This week though hubby is working earlier and later so I figure I'd try and make his life a little easier by going to get what we need with the boys so his time at home would be more relaxing.

It ended up being alright because the grocery store I went o had one of those carts with the cars in it..... it would have been funny for anyone watching me because I would have not been too impressed if someone had gotten to it before me, it was a life saver today :) It worked well I couldeven blame the driving of the cart on them :P

It's funny how people either look at you totally annoyed or they look at you going you poor lady what are you putting yourself through. Most of the times I'm pretty good to take things in stride oh yeah, did I mention I use bribes.... oh yeah at the end if they were good listeners they get to choose a treat. Today they got one because they were super duper good :) They choose the most sugary treat possible I think it was a lollipop with some kind of sour liquid (aka red food coloring).... to put on top.... ANYWAYS they are just allowed to have their treat in the car so they patiently waited through checkout and getting everyone in and buckled and then they got their treat... quietest ride home in a while... they were just chatting about how good it was. I know I will pay for it later in the hyperness but sometimes it works and it's easier to handle the chaos at home than in public.... All the moms who have little ones or have had little ones know what I mean :) Hey don't feel guilty either !!!!

Oh yeah they are now watching spongebob squarepants... I love spongebob :)

bye for now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Busy Bees

It's been a busy but great summer. Last week the weather was awesome and I'm sad to say sometimes too hot.... I know i can't believe I said those words too hot..... it's a bad word here in NS canada :) we get so little heat and we are not used to it.

It's ok if you can be at the beach or poolside but if you work construction like my husband then it's quite hot and humid yuck!

I'm trying to get everything organized for going back to work and in the heat it's not so much fun to do that..... today is rainy. It's not hot it's warm and you can actually breathe!!

Yesterday we had a beautiful day at the in laws pool and then a BBQ with family and good friends it was nice to just spend the day together with not too much stress.

I wonder what this week will bring. Maybe a play date and definitely some playing with the kiddies and some knitting. My other passion he he :)

Boys are keeping me very busy squabbling these days... I wonder if it's a stage or if they are just brothers being well brothers. They love each other so much but they also love driving each other and me a little nuts sometimes :)

I guess it might only get worse. Hopefully they will always remember that they love each other even if they might not like each other at a certain moment or point in their life.
