Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grocery shopping

whoever thinks grocery shopping is boring should probably go with kids in tow. I went this morning for the first time in a while by myself with the two boys. They are usually pretty good. They just get bored and want to buy everything so it usually end sup being a bigger grocery order when the little ones and hubby are with me.

That's why I usually try going by myself. This week though hubby is working earlier and later so I figure I'd try and make his life a little easier by going to get what we need with the boys so his time at home would be more relaxing.

It ended up being alright because the grocery store I went o had one of those carts with the cars in it..... it would have been funny for anyone watching me because I would have not been too impressed if someone had gotten to it before me, it was a life saver today :) It worked well I couldeven blame the driving of the cart on them :P

It's funny how people either look at you totally annoyed or they look at you going you poor lady what are you putting yourself through. Most of the times I'm pretty good to take things in stride oh yeah, did I mention I use bribes.... oh yeah at the end if they were good listeners they get to choose a treat. Today they got one because they were super duper good :) They choose the most sugary treat possible I think it was a lollipop with some kind of sour liquid (aka red food coloring).... to put on top.... ANYWAYS they are just allowed to have their treat in the car so they patiently waited through checkout and getting everyone in and buckled and then they got their treat... quietest ride home in a while... they were just chatting about how good it was. I know I will pay for it later in the hyperness but sometimes it works and it's easier to handle the chaos at home than in public.... All the moms who have little ones or have had little ones know what I mean :) Hey don't feel guilty either !!!!

Oh yeah they are now watching spongebob squarepants... I love spongebob :)

bye for now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Busy Bees

It's been a busy but great summer. Last week the weather was awesome and I'm sad to say sometimes too hot.... I know i can't believe I said those words too hot..... it's a bad word here in NS canada :) we get so little heat and we are not used to it.

It's ok if you can be at the beach or poolside but if you work construction like my husband then it's quite hot and humid yuck!

I'm trying to get everything organized for going back to work and in the heat it's not so much fun to do that..... today is rainy. It's not hot it's warm and you can actually breathe!!

Yesterday we had a beautiful day at the in laws pool and then a BBQ with family and good friends it was nice to just spend the day together with not too much stress.

I wonder what this week will bring. Maybe a play date and definitely some playing with the kiddies and some knitting. My other passion he he :)

Boys are keeping me very busy squabbling these days... I wonder if it's a stage or if they are just brothers being well brothers. They love each other so much but they also love driving each other and me a little nuts sometimes :)

I guess it might only get worse. Hopefully they will always remember that they love each other even if they might not like each other at a certain moment or point in their life.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Been away

It's been a great summer with ok weather. we've been so busy. I've also been job searching and actually will be working in the fall. I love to knit so I've been working on some projects!!

Been home to cheticamp awesome to visit family and friends and actually go to the beach althou it was too cold to swim... the water was not the temperatures. Boys are growing up so fast and Alexandre is so excited to start preprimary :) I hope th enthusiasm keeps going for a while.

Connor is going to start daycare... I'm so nervous about that. I've always stayed home with them and it drives me a little crazy to think that someone else would be putting him down for a nap :( I know he'll be fine I know all the ladies who work there and I worked there myself for years so I'm very confident that he will be well cared for and he will learn lots of new and exciting things but as a mom it's scary to entrust your child to someone else.

You may wonder why I'm not worried about Alexandre, well that is because I will be one of his teachers LOL. I know he'll be ok the thing I'm most worried about him is getting him up in the morning.... it's 8:35 am and he's still snoozing so there's my challenge with him.... earlier to bed doesn't even help he loves his sleep :) :) Connor on the other hand is always up at 7 am. So we never sleep in :)

This morning I heard connor stir at 5:15 am I was like oh no but thankfully he put himself back to sleep :)
Until tomorrow... hopefully!! I will get in a routine, get in a routine... hey it worked for the little engine that could right?

until next time,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today I took out my knitting needles. I love to knit. I enjoy seeing a final product! I put them away when the babies were little becaue I was always nervous about having the needles out because no matter how much you try to hide them the little hands seem to find them.
Anyways I startedagain today. I used to knit preemie hats and bring them into the NICU at the hospital for the little preemies to wear and I even made a few blanies for the incubators.

Now I also enjoy making stuff for family adn friends and maybe I will even try selling some stuff later on. Not now, later maybe :)

Anyways as I make stuff I till try to post pictures and get some feedback maybe....
Hi to all the knitters out there :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Just another Froday

Hi everyone it's been a while... got busy sorry!Anyways today is just another Friday.... I love Friday it means I have my hubby at home for the weekend... He's also home at night during the week but it's nice to know that he'll be there all day for two days. I'm sure many agree. It's nice to have the support and someone to talk to and yes bicker with :)

We usually try to keep ourselves low key during the weekend, mostly family stuff and we do grocery. I've learned through a few hectic trip with my two little ones that it's just much easier to bring the hubby along. I just tell him to avert his eyes when the total comes up. LOL he does now after 10 years he's learned that food is a necessity, and that 150 dollars in grocery goes farther than in eating out.

Fridays we usually spend just at home in the evening with the boys. We'll watch a movie or we'll go outside to play and we usually make an easy supper together. (some nights I call him on his way home to make sure he understands that we are eating out ot it's take out tonight.... he says he knows that ring now LOL)This week my hubby got Alex his first set of real golf clubs... he loved his play ones and broke them because he played so much with them. So after almost two weeks of rain yes 2 whole weeks, well almost or at east it felt like that. We can actually take the bys outside. So I can't wait to see his cute face when his daddy gives them to him...

Anyways until tomorrow yes I will be more on top of this I promise(she says in a whisper and sigh) LOL I'll try anyways ... life gets crazy!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

cloudy Saturday

Today was one of those cloudy days when your not quite sure if it's going to rain or not.... one minute yes the other maybe not.

Those days are tough on parents I find because you want to take the kids outside but your not sure if as soon as you get out you'll have to drag in some kids who want to stay out in the rain.... don, they love the rain, the puddles and the mud. I know mine do. The messier they can get the better they like it.

Today was one of those days instead of going out e snuggled in watched a movie and then played cards kids were happy and we as parents did not have the stress of the should we shouldn't we... we just gave in and say for today let's just not even go there. Now this evening both kids are tucked in their bed as happy as can be having spent the day just relaxing with Mommy and Daddy.

Good day!! no Great DAY!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Long day

Today was a long day.... I did some substituting at our school in the preprimary classroom. I always feel so torn when I go do some work. I really enjoy it but I miss my boys. I think of them through the day and wonder what they are doing.
I know they are fine because they love our sitter. She is sooooo good with them and she takes the two of them out to the park or Beach or for a walk.
I got home and her car was still gone, they were still out, ok what do I do now I was itching to see my boys. The last few times I would call and check where they were just to let her know I was home. This time I promptly grabbed the phone called my awesome hubby who was probably expecting my call to say exactly what I said, 'we'll go out for dinner if it's ok with you' and of course the smart man that he is he just oh yeah sure !!! I just love him so much. 2nd thing I did was hop in the shower..... I haven't had a quiet shower in about 4 years.... it was awesome and I was totally ready for my boys as soon as I heard the car drive in. I was waiting for a big hug.... guess what's the first thing out of big boy's mouth.... oh mom why couldn't you work longer we were having so much fun!! I wasn't hurt or upset I was actually happy because it meant they were happy and content and were not crying all day for me. So now as I type this Alexandre my oldest is sitting by me playing cars and connor still has no idea I'm home because he was asleep!!

Glad it's the weekend so i can spend it with my family. Have a great one !

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What's a Playdate?

This morning we have a scheduled playdate. My sister in law is bring her three little ones over so the kids can all play together. we actually look foreward to it because it gives us a chance to sit and talk while the kids play ever so nicely and we have a cup of tea.... UH not usually :)

we are usually being referees all morning. we still try to have our sup of tea but usualy by the time we get to it it's cold. :P Yes moms I think hardly ever eat warm food in the first few years. We're getting better since the kids are getting a little older. Thankfully :)

So what is the point of this playdate thing when all we do is give ourselves more work? Well actually knowing that we can still carry on adult coversation is a total bonus. We will sometimes even put on a movie and they might watch half an hour of it, so then we can have our tea in semi-peace and quiet. Between the 'he's touching me', 'she won't stop looking at me ', we sometimes actually get to have our tea!

The playdates for the children and the chatting dates for us became a regular thing very early on. Our kids are the same ages and we live next door to each other so a few times a week when the babies were very little we would get together then we could drink our tea in peace and watch the babies goo and gaga at each other and it would help us to see people other than the little ones and we could gripe about whatever was going on whether it was nursing our babies or talking about our sweet and wonderful hubbies :P, they are great daddies sometimes it's just nice to vent in a zone that you know is friendly.

So in a few minutes I will have a total of five little kids in my house my 4 yr old and 2 yr old, my sister in laws 4 yr old and 2 yr old and her little new Bundle who is going to be 5 months soon. we love it and if we can't do it we miss it and so do the kiddies.

These are my thoughts for toda and I'll keep you posted as to how it went.... as long as there's no blood and nothing to serious going on we always call it a success. We all leave the playdate happy and content, andby the way the kids usually have a really good nap in the afternoon. :) Works like a charm.

Thanks for listening,


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A word of welcome

Hi and welcome.... I'm not sure where to start. I am a part time stay at home mom and part time working mom. Yes I know, I have no idea what I want to do. I am torn between wanting to help my sweet husband support our family and wanting to stay at home full time with my children. It's something I've fought with since my maternity leave was up after our first boy Alexandre was born.
I decided to stay at home and to work part time and it's been working for our family.... well kind of :) I love being a mom and a wife and I also love the independence of earning my own money and helping out meet the family's financial needs.
This blog hopefully will be interesting and we can help each other through this journey of self discovery while being the best mommies we can be. I love little stories that happen in the families so feel free to add some personal stories as I'm sure you'll hear a lot of my own family stories and maybe even a few stories of my days as a daycare/preschool teacher.
As I am typing this now my two little children are very quiet.... as a parent I'm sure you know that although this should be a good soundit usually means there will be a big mess to clean up or someone is getting in trouble, as I hear the giggles begin I know trouble is brewing hope fully it's fun for them.... I hear Connor is plugging the toilet.... as I sign off.... until tomorrow.